Staff » Get Help

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Who do I email with the following questions/concerns?


Log in for PowerSchool/PowerTeacher: [email protected]

Schoolnet, Curriculum Drives (Google), GCN Training, and Edlio: Jennifer Kenney

Google issues: Heather Kruszewski CC: Jason Smith

Creating new student Google Accounts: Heather Kruszewski

IXL: Jennifer Kenney

aimswebPlus or Easy IEP: Luke Krippel

Silver Ford Fusion Vehicle Requests: Heather Kruszewski

White Bus or Silver Van: Brad Boresi

Payroll and SDS time-clock: Kristen Monbrum

Absence Management and Leave Requests [email protected]

Typing Agent: Amanda Malsky
Nondiscrimination Coordinator/Title IX: Jason Smith
Complaint Managers: Kristen Monbrum and Luke Krippel
Technology Support Requests:
Maintenance Requests: