Parents » Student Services

Student Services

The District currently offers the following programming:



A student with a disability may only require instructional modifications and adaptations.  When this level of need is identified, the IEP will reflect consultation services. In this case, a special education professional (teacher, social worker or speech pathologist) is assigned as a case manager based on the child’s identified needs.  The case manager then consults with the classroom teacher as often as the IEP indicated. This consultation provides the classroom teacher with instructional modifications and adaptations to meet the child’s needs. The case manager will also monitor student progress toward IEP goal completion.


Inclusion Support

Based on the district’s philosophy toward supporting special education instruction in the least restrictive environment, inclusion classrooms are established throughout the district.   Instructional services are delivered within the general education classroom. This is done utilizing the co-teaching model for core subject areas. .


Speech Only Program

Following a case study evaluation, some children have been identified to have only special education speech and/or language needs. These children have a special education program designed and implemented by a Speech-Language pathologist.  This is a resource program that provides push-in, pull-out remediation, and consultation with the classroom teacher.



Certain children may need a specialized method of instruction for remediation of an identified deficit.  When this is the case, the special education teacher will pull small groups of children with similar learning profiles from the classroom to receive highly specialized instruction in reading, writing, and or math. The special education teachers may also help the general education teacher develop individual programs for children who have specific academic or behavioral difficulties.


Instructional Cross Categorical Classrooms

CCUSD #1 offers instructional special education classrooms where appropriate.  This classroom is for students whose special needs cannot be met in the inclusion/Resource programs.  Students in this program require a great deal of instructional support, small class size, and environmental structure.  These students participate in general education specials with support.


This classroom is taught by one special education teacher and any 1:1 assistants that are assigned to specific students per their IEP.  The class size is limited to twelve students. All related services are integrated into the classroom or students may be pulled out if needed.


This program emphasizes social skill development, life-skill, and functional academic instruction.  The curriculum is individualized to meet the individual needs of each student.


Instructional Autism Classrooms

CCUSD #1 offers instructional autism classrooms where appropriate. These classrooms are for students who have been identified as being on the autism spectrum and whose needs cannot be met in the general education classroom.  These students require instructional support, small class size, and environmental structure. Inclusion support is provided when students are integrated into regular education settings.

This classroom is taught by one special education teacher and an assistant for each student.  The class size is limited to eight students. All related services are integrated into the classroom or students may be pulled out if needed.


This program emphasizes social skill development, life-skill, and functional academic instruction.  The curriculum is individualized to meet the individual needs of each student.


Instructional Emotional Disabilities Classrooms

CCUSD #1 offers instructional emotional disabilities special education classrooms for students in grades K-12.  These classrooms are for students whose special education needs cannot be met in the general education setting. This is a cross-categorical program for students with severe emotional needs requiring a good deal of instructional support, small class size, and environmental structure. Inclusion support is provided when students are integrated into the regular education setting.

This classroom will be taught by one special education teacher, with two classroom assistants.  The class size is limited to twelve students. Related services are integrated into the classroom or may be pulled out as needed.


This program will emphasize social skill development, life skill, and academic instruction.  The curriculum will be individualized to meet the needs of each student.


High School Transition Program

The high school has a full-day transition program for students 18-22 years of age. This classroom is for students who continue to need support in the community with independent living, job training/skills and educational support at the junior college level.  These students focus on increasing their independent living skills as well as learning new job skills. Most of the students spend the majority of their days in the community working, volunteering, or with on-the-job training assisted by a job coach.


This program emphasizes social skill development, life-skill, and functional academic instruction.  The curriculum is individualized to meet the needs of each student.


Related Services

A host of on-site related services are available to support an Individualized Education Plan.  These include Speech and Language, social work, occupational therapy, physical therapy, hearing impaired itinerant, vision itinerant, health services, paraprofessional support, and special transportation.


Out of District Placements

It is the practice of the district to provide and develop programming within the district whenever possible, although Coal City School District has a variety of external placement options when a district program cannot meet a child’s needs.

District Homeless Liaison - Corey Mikula
815-634-2396 ext. 1704