Arguments, prepositions and vocabulary—Oh My!

In Mr. Gletty’s English class eighth graders are currently learning about arguments,

prepositions, and vocabulary—Oh My!

As they  started they're identifying some of the basic terms of an argument like the different

types of evidence, what is an emotional appeal vs a logical one, and what a claim is.They even

made their  way into making their  own claims on a variety of topics such as “should cellphones be

allowed in schools.” “should we spend more money on space travel than oceanic discovery,” as

well as “should video games be considered sports” which created a plethora of passionate

discussion among students.

With prepositions, students are learning how to identify simple subjects, verbs,

infinitives, adverbs, compound subjects, and compound objects. Everyone has been coming

along swimmingly as they’ve  taken each part of a sentence apart together, easily identifying what

each word’s function is with these terms.

Lastly they’ve begun their second vocabulary unit and found fun moments introducing the

words into their  regular speech. Some words like point-black have been easier to pick up for our

students who play video games in their free time, which happens with vocab terms more than

one might think.

All in all, Mr. Gletty’s classroom has been making excellent strides towards learning all

the new materials expected of eighth graders, all while finding ways to make it more relatable and

fun for each student.